Available courses

This unit specifies the competencies required to manage nutrition and dietetic services It 
includes: assessing concepts of counselling, evaluating patients’ response to nutritional 
care plan, exploring dietary modifications and supporting the client with acceptance of 
nutrition care plan

This course provides a comprehensive overview of maternal and child nutrition, emphasizing the critical role of proper nutrition during pregnancy, infancy, and early childhood. Students will explore the physiological changes during pregnancy, lactation, and early childhood, and learn strategies to optimize nutrition for both mother and child. The course covers key topics such as prenatal nutrition, breastfeeding support, introduction to complementary foods, and addressing specific nutritional needs of infants and young children.

This comprehensive course will give you an unsderstanding of the core principles of Nutrition Care Process(NCP), providing a solid foundation in nutrition assessment, diagnosis, intervention ad monitoring. Through a blend of theoritical knowledge and practical application, all participants will learn how to effectively evaluate and address nutritional nees in various clinical settings.

This course has been designed to equip learners with crucial knowledge and skills in addressing challenges during crisis situations. It combines cutting-edge research , practical case studies and expert insights to provide a thorough understanding of the unique dietary requirements and interventions needed in emergencies.